if (SettingHighlights ~= 1) & (ListHighlightData ~= 1) then leave
call writeln('FWCLog', Ln)
call close('DataFile')
if ErrorCount > 0 then ErrorType = 'Critical error'
else ErrorType = 'Noncritical warning'
FileMsg = ErrorType' ... see 'Storage'FWCLog.txt for details.'||'0a'x||'Forward log file to: Ron Goertz <goertz@earthlink.net>'||'0a'x||'if you are unable to resolve the problem.'
Conbgui = ErrorType' ... see the shell output for details.'||'0a'x||'Forward contents of output to'||'0a'x||'Ron Goertz <goertz@earthlink.net>'||'0a'x||'if you are unable to resolve the problem.'
ConCon = ErrorType' ... see the output above for details.'||'0a'x||'Forward contents of output to'||'0a'x||'Ron Goertz <goertz@earthlink.net>'||'0a'x||'if you are unable to resolve the problem.'
if (OutType == 'File') & (bguiopen == 1) then call bguireq('1B'x||'c'FileMsg,'*'OK$,'FWCalendar 'Notice$,,AppScreen)